Manage & reserve pool vehicles
With the poolcar module, shared vehicles can be easily booked and you always know which vehicles are on the road when, where and for what purpose. Thanks to fleetPro, you can easily show the delta between booking and effective use. This ensures that vehicles are only booked for as long as they are needed.

Unbooked trips, including route and vehicle, are also recorded in the fleetPro poolcar management module, making everyday life easier for you. Fines or damage can thus be clearly assigned.
Benefits at a glance:
✓ Completely digitized poolcar management including export option
✓ Replaces Outlook reservations and paper logbook
✓ Mobile poolcar booking possible
✓ Overview of trips not booked
✓ Complete and systematic recording of trips, including information about the driver, project, cost center number and other information, which can be transmitted directly to the financial accounting systems if required
Mobile poolcar
The poolcar management module is not only available for browsers, but also for smartphones, tablets or iPads

Users can reserve the desired vehicle themselves using our poolcar module. This allows employees to make a booking quickly and flexibly directly on their smartphones.
Using QR codes, the driver is directed directly to the desired vehicle, even in the case of short-term bookings, in order to make the booking. This allows the user to manage their bookings even while on the move and, if necessary, complete them early so that the vehicle is released for the next employee.

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