autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.
autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.
autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.
autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.
autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.
autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.

Frequently Asked

In our FAQ section, we have collected the most important questions for you. This resource is designed to provide you with the information you need quickly and easily.

Here you'll find all the answers to your questions.

<svg xmlns="" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 54 52" fill="none" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" aria-hidden="true" role="img"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M22 0H19.5C12.4289 0 8.8934 0 6.6967 2.1967C4.5 4.3934 4.5 7.92893 4.5 15V48.125H2C0.964475 48.125 0.125 48.9645 0.125 50C0.125 51.0355 0.964475 51.875 2 51.875H40.125C41.1605 51.875 42 51.0355 42 50C42 48.9645 41.1605 48.125 40.125 48.125H37V39.375H40.9285C41.8655 39.375 42.625 40.1345 42.625 41.0715V41.25C42.625 44.3567 45.1435 46.875 48.25 46.875C51.3565 46.875 53.875 44.3567 53.875 41.25V14.0044C53.875 13.6128 53.875 13.3425 53.8603 13.079C53.721 10.6016 52.6055 8.28035 50.7577 6.62405C50.5612 6.44788 50.3503 6.27908 50.0445 6.03445L46.9213 3.53595C46.1128 2.88905 44.9328 3.02015 44.2858 3.82878C43.639 4.63738 43.77 5.8173 44.5787 6.4642L47.6615 8.93038C48.0228 9.21935 48.1462 9.3192 48.2547 9.41633C49.3632 10.4101 50.0328 11.8029 50.1163 13.2893C50.1243 13.4346 50.125 13.5936 50.125 14.0562V15H48.25C46.179 15 44.5 16.6789 44.5 18.75V24.7972C44.5 26.4112 45.5327 27.8442 47.0642 28.3547L50.125 29.375V41.25C50.125 42.2855 49.2855 43.125 48.25 43.125C47.2145 43.125 46.375 42.2855 46.375 41.25V41.0715C46.375 38.0635 43.9365 35.625 40.9285 35.625H37V15C37 7.92893 37 4.3934 34.8032 2.1967C32.6065 0 29.071 0 22 0ZM21.7147 18.3922C22.6027 18.925 22.8905 20.0767 22.3577 20.9647L20.3116 24.375H24.5C25.1755 24.375 25.7988 24.7382 26.1318 25.3262C26.4645 25.914 26.4552 26.6355 26.1077 27.2147L22.3577 33.4647C21.825 34.3527 20.6733 34.6405 19.7853 34.1077C18.8974 33.575 18.6094 32.4233 19.1422 31.5353L21.1884 28.125H17C16.3245 28.125 15.7012 27.7618 15.3684 27.1738C15.0356 26.586 15.0447 25.8645 15.3922 25.2853L19.1422 19.0353C19.675 18.1474 20.8267 17.8594 21.7147 18.3922Z" fill="currentColor"/> </svg>


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Data Protection

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Why can't I start charging?

1. Check that you are close to the charging station. You must be on site to start charging.

2. Check whether the cable is correctly connected both to the charging station and especially to your vehicle

3. If the charging station has a screen, check whether there is any error message or fault that makes charging impossible.

Why can't I see my receipt?

In some cases, processing the payment transaction can take a little longer. Come back later. If you still don't receive a receipt, please contact our support team.

Is there a function for navigating to a charging station?

Yes, in the app, as soon as you have found a charging station that is right for you, you can open the detailed view of it with a click. In the menu that appears, select Navigation, which opens the route planning from your current location to the selected charging station.

Where can I contact if there is a problem with the charging station?

For faults related to the charging station itself, please contact the support number of the respective station operator. You can usually find these on the charging station itself.

Where can I contact if I have a question about the autoSense app or if I find a problem?

Send us an email to the following address in which you briefly describe your question or problem.

Whenever possible, give us as much information as possible about the problem you have encountered. Our support team will then get back to you as soon as possible.

Do I need a personal credit card to charge?

No, your loads are settled directly by autoSense with your employer, so you don't need a private credit card for your loads.

The charging station stopped charging without my intervention, what is the reason?

1. Most charging stations or even vehicles have an integrated function which automatically stops the charging process when full charging capacity is reached.

2. In such a case, the app will show you that the charging process has been completed accordingly and you will receive the correct receipt for your transaction.

Can I also charge my vehicle abroad?

Yes, there are numerous stations in Europe available to you. If anything is unclear, it is best to clarify the situation with your vehicle manager.

Can I positively influence the amount of charging costs?

1. There are different price systems for different charging stations. You can find the pricing details when you open a charging point on the map.

2. A basic distinction is made between these types of prices:

  • Price per kWh
  • Basic flat rate per transaction
  • Surcharge due to charging time, e.g. CHF xx for every minute after charging time of one hour
  • Basic rate per minute
I have forgotten my login details, what can I do?
  1. If you have forgotten your username, which is usually your business email address, please contact us via with our support team.
  2. If you have forgotten your password, you can click on the “Forgotten password” link on the login screen. You will then receive a link via email to set a new password.
How can I tell when my EV battery needs to be replaced?

A few indicators can be used to determine when the battery in your electric vehicle needs to be replaced. One sign is a significant reduction in range compared to when the battery was new. If you notice a sudden and significant drop in range, it may be a sign that the battery capacity has declined. If you're also experiencing frequent charging failures or the battery no longer holds a charge for a reasonable period of time, it might be time to consider a replacement. It is recommended that you visit an authorized EV service center for a professional assessment.

Easy maintenance management

FleetPro detects vehicle problems early on and prevents unexpected failures through automatic maintenance reminders and diagnostic reports. Integration with the garage enables efficient outsourcing of this area.

Pool car management

The Poolcar module in fleetPro makes it easier to book and manage shared vehicles. A clear overview of journeys, drivers, projects and cost centers replaces conventional reservation methods. The mobile version enables flexible reservations via smartphones, tablets and iPads using a QR code.

Simple logbook management

Optionally, logbooks can be managed easily and automatically by the driver directly in the autoSense app and transmitted to the fleet manager if required.

Reporting and data analysis

Detailed reports in fleetPro provide companies with insights into efficiency, costs and trends. This data is essential for strategic planning and continuous improvement.

Maximize fleet utilization

fleetPro optimizes fleet utilization with transparent usage, separation of routes, private and business trips as well as pool car module for booking and route delimitation, supports efficient investment management.

Order tracking in real time

With fleetPro, fleet managers can track vehicle locations in real time, improve route planning, shorten response times, optimize resource utilization and support drivers with precise information in the event of customer complaints.

What safety tips should you follow when using an e-charger?

Safety should always come first when using an e-charger. Here are some important safety tips to keep in mind:

Check the charger and cable: Inspect the charger and cable carefully for signs of damage or wear before you plug your EV into a power outlet. If you notice frayed wires, exposed metal, or other abnormalities, do not use the charger and contact a specialist.

Use your own circuit: It is recommended that you use a separate circuit for your e-charger. That means you should avoid using extension cords or sharing the circuit with other high-performance devices. A separate circuit reduces the risk of overload and ensures safe charging.

Avoid charging in extreme weather conditions: Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can have a negative effect on charging and may damage the battery. If possible, park your electric vehicle in a covered area or garage to protect it from extreme weather conditions.

Follow the correct charging protocols: Always follow the charging instructions provided by the charger manufacturer and the user manual for your electric vehicle. This includes securely plugging in the charger, ensuring a proper connection, and setting the appropriate charging parameters.

Be careful in wet or humid conditions: Charging an electric vehicle when wet or humid can jeopardize electrical safety. Make sure the charging station and surrounding area are dry before you plug in.

How can I ensure that the battery and charging system of my electric vehicle are compatible with each other?

Compatibility between your electric vehicle battery and the charging system is essential for a smooth charging experience. To achieve this, follow these steps:

Refer to your electric vehicle's user manual: The user manual provides detailed information about the recommended charging specifications for your electric vehicle. It includes information about the charging voltage, amperage, and plug type that your electric vehicle supports. This information is critical to choosing a compatible charger.

Select the right charging station: When buying or using a charging station, make sure that it supports the charging specifications specified in your vehicle's user manual. Look for charging stations that are compatible with your vehicle's plug type and offer the charging speed you want.

Pay attention to industry standards: Look for chargers that comply with industry standards such as IEC 61851 or SAE J1772. These standards ensure compatibility and interoperability between e-vehicles and charging stations.

Contact the manufacturer or authorized resellers: If you have any doubts or lack of compatibility, contact the manufacturer or the authorized

What are the best practices for maintaining and servicing my electric vehicle's battery and charging system?

In order to effectively maintain and maintain your electric vehicle's battery and charging system, you should follow a few best practices. First, it's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for charging and maintaining your electric vehicle's battery. This includes charging within the recommended voltage range and avoiding extreme temperature conditions as these can affect battery performance.

It is also important to regularly check and clean the charging port and cable connections. Remove any debris and dirt that could hinder charging. In addition, it is advisable not to overcharge or over-discharge your electric vehicle battery as this may reduce the overall life of the vehicle.

In addition, it is highly recommended to arrange regular maintenance appointments with authorized service centers. They can carry out diagnostic tests and ensure that your electric vehicle's battery and charging system are working optimally. These experts can also inform you about software updates and possible recalls for your e-vehicle model.

Finally, it is important to learn about the latest developments in EV technology and battery management. This allows you to adjust your maintenance routines as new information becomes available.

What are the signs that my electric vehicle battery needs to be replaced or serviced?

Although EV batteries are designed to last a long time, there are some signs that the battery needs to be replaced or serviced. These signs include:

Significant reduction in range: If you notice a sudden and significant decrease in the range of your EV, this could be a sign that the battery capacity has declined. This may require further investigation and potential maintenance.

Slow charging speed: If your EV is taking much longer to charge than usual, it could be an indication of a battery issue. It's important to rule out issues with the charging station or cable before you conclude that the battery needs to be repaired.

Inconsistent loading behavior: If you experience irregular charging patterns, such as sudden interruptions or frequent charging failures, this could be a sign of a battery issue. This can be confirmed by diagnostic tests.

Increased heat generation: If you notice excessive heat from the battery while charging or discharging, it could be an indication of a problem. Increased temperatures can have a negative impact on battery performance and lifespan.

If you observe any of these signs, it is advisable to consult a qualified technician or contact the vehicle manufacturer's customer service for further advice and assistance.

How can I fix general problems with my electric vehicle's battery or charging system?

There are a few steps you can take when troubleshooting your EV's battery or charging system. First, check whether your electric vehicle is correctly connected to the charging station. Sometimes a loose connection can cause charging issues. If the connection is secure, check whether error messages or warning lights appear on the dashboard of your electric vehicle. These ads can provide valuable information about the issue.

Next, make sure that the charging station you're using is working properly. If possible, try using a different charging station to see if the problem persists. Also make sure that the charging cable is not damaged or frayed as this may interfere with charging.

If you're still having problems, you should consult your EV's user manual or contact the manufacturer's customer service. They have the necessary expertise and experience to guide you through all troubleshooting steps for your electric vehicle model.

Remember that it is always a good idea to consult a professional technician or an authorized service center if you are unsure about troubleshooting or if the problem persists.

What is battery balancing and why is it important for my electric vehicle's battery life?

Battery balancing is the process of balancing the charge level of individual cells in an EV battery pack. This is important because some cells can easily become unbalanced over time due to fluctuations in capacity or usage. If the cells are unbalanced, this can result in reduced overall battery performance and a shorter range.

Battery balancing redistributes charge between cells to ensure that all cells have the same level of charge. This can be done automatically through the vehicle's integrated battery management system or through special charging cycles that are designed to compensate for imbalances.

By balancing the battery regularly, you can maintain optimal performance and extend the overall life of the battery pack. It helps prevent some cells from being overcharged while others are undercharged, which can lead to premature aging and loss of capacity. Battery balancing also ensures that all cells are used efficiently, maximizing available energy and increasing the range of your electric vehicle.

How can I check the battery condition of my electric vehicle?

Checking the health of your electric vehicle's battery is important to ensure optimal performance. Most e-vehicles are equipped with a battery management system that provides information about the health status of the battery (SOH). This information can usually be retrieved via the vehicle's on-board computer system or displayed on the dashboard.

In addition to monitoring built into the vehicle, there are also external diagnostic devices that can provide more detailed information about the status of the battery. These tools connect to the vehicle's OBD-II port and can give you insights into the battery's capacity and voltage, as well as potential issues.

If you notice a significant reduction in the range of your electric vehicle or suspect a problem with the battery, you should have it checked by a certified technician. The latter has access to specialized equipment and can carry out a more thorough diagnosis to assess the state of the battery.

What are the most common mistakes I should avoid when charging my electric vehicle?

When charging your electric vehicle, you should avoid a few common mistakes to ensure safe and efficient charging. First, don't use extension cables or adapters that aren't specifically designed to charge electric vehicles. This can result in overheating or electrical hazards. Second, you should avoid charging at extreme temperatures as this may affect the battery's performance. Don't charge your electric vehicle with a damaged or frayed charging cable as this could pose a safety risk. Finally, you should never attempt to modify or manipulate your EV's charging system, as this may void the warranty and impair safety. By avoiding these mistakes, you can ensure a smooth and trouble-free charging process.

How can I ensure that my electric vehicle battery is charged safely and efficiently?

To ensure that your electric vehicle battery is charged safely and efficiently, there are a few important things to consider. First, you should always use a charger that is recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. This ensures compatibility and prevents potential damage to the battery. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for charging voltage and charging current.

When charging, make sure that the charging cable is in good condition and properly connected to the vehicle and charging station. Avoid using extension cords or adapters that are not specifically designed to charge electric vehicles. It is also advisable to charge the vehicle in a well-ventilated area away from flammable materials.

To optimize efficiency, try charging your electric vehicle when electricity rates are lower, such as during off-peak hours. This can help reduce your charging costs. And finally, you should avoid charging your battery to maximum capacity on a regular basis, as this can put unnecessary strain on the battery. It is generally recommended to charge the battery to around 80% for daily use and reserve a full charge for longer trips.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your electric vehicle battery is charged safely and efficiently, extending its life and maximizing its range.

What is smart charging and how does it work?

To optimize your vehicle's charging speed and efficiency, there are a few strategies you can use. First, make sure you're using a compatible charging station that matches the charging capabilities of your electric vehicle. Opt for a heavy-duty charger when you need faster charging times. Second, keep your charging plugs clean and free from dirt to ensure a good connection. This helps to maximize charging efficiency. Also avoid charging your electric vehicle up to 100% unless necessary. A charge level of around 80-90% can shorten charging times and extend battery life. Finally, minimizing the use of auxiliary systems such as air conditioning or heating during charging can also improve overall charging speed and efficiency.

How do I keep my EV battery healthy during long-term storage?

There are a few things you can do to maintain the health of your EV battery during long-term storage. First, make sure the battery is charged to around 50-70% of its capacity. This helps to avoid over-discharge or overcharging during storage. Second, you should store your electric vehicle in a cool and dry environment, ideally at 20-25 degrees Celsius. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can have a negative impact on battery performance and life. And finally, if possible, disconnect any additional devices or systems that could drain the battery over time. By following these guidelines, you can help maintain the health of your EV battery during periods of not use.

How can I reduce energy consumption when charging my electric vehicle?

To reduce energy consumption when charging your electric vehicle, you can follow a few simple tips. First, try charging your vehicle during off-peak hours when electricity prices are generally lower. This allows you to save money and reduce demand in the power grid. Second, you should only use high-capacity charging stations when you need fast charging. Higher performance levels can result in higher energy consumption. Opt for power levels when you have enough time to charge. And finally, unplug the charger as soon as your electric car is fully charged to avoid unnecessary energy consumption.

What is regenerative braking and how does it affect my electric vehicle's battery life?

Regenerative braking is a function in electric vehicles that recovers energy when decelerating or braking. When you press the brakes, the electric motor reverses its function and acts as a generator that converts the kinetic energy of the moving vehicle into electrical energy. This energy is then stored in the battery for later use. Regenerative braking helps extend the life of your electric vehicle's battery by reducing reliance on traditional friction brakes, resulting in less wear on brake pads and rotors. By using regenerative braking effectively, you can increase the energy efficiency and overall range of your electric vehicle.

How do I use a portable charger?

Using a portable charger is relatively easy. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select a suitable power outlet: Find a standard household power outlet near your vehicle. Make sure that it is in good condition and can meet the power requirements of the charger.
  2. Plug the charger into the power outlet: Plug the portable charger's power cord into the power outlet. Make sure it's plugged in securely.
  3. Connect the charger to your e-vehicle: Depending on the e-vehicle model, you may need an adapter or a special plug. Connect the charger cable to your vehicle's charging port.
  4. Start charging: As soon as the charger is plugged in, it should automatically start charging your vehicle. Some portable chargers may require you to press a button to start charging.
  5. Monitor charging: Watch the LED indicators or the charger display to track charging. They usually show the charging status and when charging is complete.
  6. Unplug the charger and store it: Once your electric vehicle is fully charged, safely unplug the charger from your vehicle and the power outlet. Store the charger in a safe and dry place for later use.

Always refer to the manufacturer's instructions for specific guidelines

What are the benefits of a portable charger?

Portable chargers offer multiple benefits for electric vehicle owners. First, they offer convenience and flexibility, as you can charge your vehicle anywhere, whether at home, at work, or on the go. This means that you are not exclusively dependent on public charging stations. Second, portable chargers are compact and lightweight, making them easy to take with you in the car or in your pocket. They are also easy to use and often have a plug and play feature. And finally, portable chargers can be a cost-effective option as they eliminate the need for expensive installations or changes to your electrical system.

What is a portable charger?

A portable charger, also known as a mobile charger or EVSE (Electric Vehicle Service Equipment), is a compact device that allows you to charge your electric vehicle from a normal power outlet. It offers convenience and flexibility for charging on the go.

What are the different types of home charging stations?

There are mainly two types of home charging stations for e-vehicles:

Level 1 charging stations: Level 1 charging stations use a standard 120 volt power outlet to charge your vehicle. They're the easiest and cheapest option, but they also offer the slowest charging speed. Level 1 charging stations typically offer an additional range of around 4-5 miles per charging hour.

Level 2 charging stations: Level 2 charging stations require a 240 volt outlet and offer higher charging speeds compared to level 1. They're the most common choice for home charging, offering a range of around 20-30 miles per hour of charging. Level 2 charging stations are more expensive than Level 1 charging stations, but are better suited for daily charging needs.

How do I choose the right charging station for my e-vehicle?

Choosing the right charging station for your electric vehicle depends on several factors, including:

Charging speed: Take into account the charging speed you need, depending on your driving habits and daily mileage. If you have a long daily commute or travel long distances frequently, a level 2 charging station would be more suitable.

compatibility: Make sure that the charging station you choose is compatible with your vehicle's charging port. Different e-vehicle models have different plug types, such as J1772 or Tesla's own plug.

Power capacity: Check your home's power capacity to see if it can support a level 2 charging station. If your power panel has limited capacity, consider upgrading or choosing a level 1 charger.

Features and connectivity: Some charging stations offer additional features such as Wi-Fi connectivity, smartphone apps for remote monitoring, and charging planning. Consider these features based on your preferences and comfort level.

costs: Consider charging station costs, installation costs, and any additional electrical upgrades required.

It is advisable to consult an electrician or do thorough research to choose the most suitable charging station for your needs.

What is a home charging station?

A home charging station, also known as a home EV charger or wallbox, is a device that allows you to conveniently charge your electric vehicle at home. It is usually installed in your garage or at an outdoor location near your home.

How do I install a home charging station?

Installing a home charging station for your electric vehicle (EV) is a straightforward process that can be done by a professional electrician. The general steps are described below:

Check your electrical capacity: Before you install a charging station at home, make sure that your electrical system can handle the additional load. Consult an electrician to determine if an upgrade is necessary.

Select a location: Choose a convenient location for your charging station, preferably near your parking lot. Consider factors such as accessibility, proximity to your electrical box, and protection from the elements.

Buy the charging station: Find and buy a charging station that is compatible with your electric vehicle and meets your requirements. There are several options available, including level 1 and level 2 chargers.

Prepare the electrical wiring: The electrician will route the required cables from your electrical panel to the charging station. This may require pipes to be laid through walls or underground.

Installing and connecting the charging station: As soon as the cabling is in place, the electrician mounts the charging station on a wall or a base and connects it to the power supply. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.

Test and activate: After the installation is complete, the electrician performs tests to ensure that the charging station is working properly. He will also guide you on how to activate and use the charging station.

Remember that it is essential that you hire a licensed electrician to install it to ensure safety and compliance with local electrical codes.

How can I use a public charging station?

Using a public charging station for your electric vehicle is relatively easy. Follow these steps:

  1. Find a charging station: Use a charging station network app, a third-party app, or online maps to find public charging stations nearby. Pay attention to the station's availability, plug type, and charging speed.
  2. Park correctly: Park your electric car at a designated charging location and make sure that it is correctly oriented towards the charging station.
  3. Connect the cable: Remove the charging cable from the station and connect it to your vehicle's charging port. Make sure your connection is secure.
  4. Start the session: If necessary, activate the charging session via the charging station app, an RFID card or another method specified by the network.
  5. Monitor the session: Keep an eye on the progress of charging your e-vehicle via the station display or the network app. Make sure the charging process is as expected.
  6. End the session: Stop charging as soon as your electric vehicle is sufficiently charged or when you are ready to leave the station. Unplug the cable from your vehicle and return it to the station properly stowed away.
What are the advantages of using a charging station network?

Using a charging station network offers owners of electric vehicles several benefits:

  • Convenient access: Charging station networks offer a wide coverage of charging stations, making it easier to find a charging point when needed.
  • Centralized management: The networks enable electric vehicle owners to manage their charging processes, monitor charging, and receive notifications via a single platform or app.
  • Integration of payments: Charging station networks often offer seamless payment options, eliminating the need for multiple payment methods or physical cards.
  • Increased reliability: Networks generally monitor and maintain their charging stations, ensuring higher reliability and uptime.
  • Additional services: Some charging station networks offer additional services, such as reservation systems, loyalty programs, or integration of navigation apps.
What is a charging station network?

A charging station network is a collection of charging stations that are connected to a central management system. These networks provide owners of electric vehicles with convenient access to the charging infrastructure. They enable e-drivers to find, monitor and pay for charging stations via a single platform.

How do I sign up for a charging station network?

To sign up for a charging station network, follow the general steps below:

  1. Research available networks: Look for charging station networks in your area. Check network coverage, pricing, and reliability.
  2. Select a network: Select the network that best suits your needs and preferences. Consider factors such as the number of charging stations, their locations, and network usability.
  3. Create an account: Visit the network's website or download the mobile app. Sign in with your personal details, including your contact details and payment information.
  4. Add payment methods: Link your preferred payment method to your account to make it easier to pay for paid services.
  5. Verify your account: Some networks may require additional verification steps, such as email confirmation or identity verification.
  6. Start using the network: As soon as your account is set up, you can start using the charging station network. Use the network app or website to find nearby charging stations, start and stop charging, and monitor your charging history.
What is the ideal temperature range for charging my electric vehicle?

The ideal temperature range for charging your electric vehicle is usually between 10°C (50°F) and 30°C (86°F). Charging within this range helps to maintain optimal battery performance and extend its lifespan. Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can have a negative impact on battery performance and overall condition. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, you should charge your electric vehicle at milder times of day or, if available, use air-conditioned charging stations.

How can I extend the life of my EV battery?

To extend the life of your EV battery, there are a few important rules to follow. First, you should avoid fully charging or discharging the battery regularly. Instead, try keeping the battery charge level between 20% and 80%. Also avoid exposing your electric car to extreme temperatures, both in heat and cold, as this can have a negative impact on battery performance. Regular maintenance of your electric car and software updates can also help optimize battery life. And finally, avoid fast charging whenever possible and opt for slow, controlled charging processes.

How do I determine fair prices for charging my e-vehicle?

To determine a fair price for charging your electric vehicle, you need to consider a few factors. First, you should check the cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity in your area. You can usually find this information on your electricity provider's website or by contacting them directly. You should also factor in any additional fees or membership costs associated with using a specific charging network or charging station. Finally, you should also consider the convenience and accessibility of the charging station in relation to your charging needs. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about fair prices for charging your electric vehicle.

How does autoSense handle cross-border data processing?

As part of its services, autoSense may transfer data to countries that may not have the same data protection laws as Switzerland or the EU. In such cases, autoSense ensures the protection of data through appropriate measures, such as contracts in accordance with the European Commission's standard contractual clauses

Who does autoSense share my data with?

Data can be passed on to third parties as part of legal obligations, to service providers within and outside autoSense, debt collection service providers and to combat misuse.

For what purposes does autoSense process my data?

The processing of data serves various purposes, including order and contract processing, credit checks, customer support, marketing, development of products and services, and compliance with legal requirements.

What types of data does autoSense Collect?

autoSense collects various types of data, including master data (such as contact and identification data), contract data, vehicle data (including GPS location and driving behavior), usage data (such as user account information and interaction data), connection data, and financial data.

How does autoSense protect my personal data?

autoSense attaches great importance to data protection and treats all personal data responsibly and in accordance with the law. This includes compliance with Swiss data protection and telecommunications law and the EU GDPR, when applicable.

How does autoSense support compliance with labor and data protection laws?

autoSense's telematics solutions enable companies to fulfill their obligations as employers in accordance with Swiss labor and data protection laws and to protect employee privacy in the best possible way.

Does autoSense offer solutions to simplify administrative tasks related to vehicle fleets?

autoSense offers digital logbooks and simple export options for data, which reduces administrative effort and simplifies reporting and tax compliance.

Can autoSense help to reduce my fleet's fuel or electricity charging costs?

Yes, by using autoSense for refueling or charging, companies can benefit from low fuel prices and reduce the overall costs for their fleet.

How does autoSense help optimize vehicle usage in my fleet?

The fleetPRO web portal enables accurate tracking and analysis of vehicle movements, which helps to optimize usage, reduce idle times and improve route planning.

What are the benefits of autoSense for my company?

autoSense enables you to efficiently manage your vehicle fleet, provides detailed insights into vehicle usage, helps reduce operating costs and improves the overall efficiency of your fleet. With our various solutions, there is something for every company.

How does autoSense help me with vehicle maintenance?

The app provides maintenance reminders and can help you monitor the condition of your vehicle in order to carry out timely maintenance.

Does autoSense offer safety features for my vehicle?

Yes, autoSense offers features such as vehicle location and tampering alarm, which give you an additional sense of security and protect your vehicle from unauthorised access.

How can I save fuel or electricity charging costs with autoSense?

autoSense helps you find the nearest and cheapest gas station or charging station and allows you to make cashless payments directly via the app, saving you time and money.

What is autoSense and what benefits does it offer me as a private customer?

autoSense is an innovative app that simplifies your driving experience through digital services such as vehicle tracking, logbook and gas station finder. It offers you comfort, safety and helps you to make your vehicle use more efficient.

Can charging processes also be carried out without a physical card?

Yes, charging can be done via the app without a physical card. As an option, the driver can also use an RFID charging card, which is particularly practical in areas with weak network coverage, such as underground car parks.

What does the fleetCharge portal offer Fleet Managers?

Fleet managers receive a central overview of all charging processes, can manage users and driver apps, and use clear statistics to monitor and control charging processes.

How do I find available charging stations?

The app allows drivers to find available charging stations, including price information and charging method. The search is easy and the results are clearly structured in the app on the homepage.

How do I manage drivers and charging cards with fleetCharge?

Administrators can manage user roles and authorizations and assign, activate, and deactivate RFID cards via the web portal. This allows fleet operators to effectively manage driver profiles and monitor charging activities.

Can I monitor the use of my own charging stations with autoSense?

Yes, the FleetCharge web portal offers comprehensive statistics and reporting functions that provide valuable insights into charging station usage and transaction history.

How does charging my electric vehicles work with autoSense?

With FleetCharge, you have access to all charging options and fleet managers can manage them in a transparent and simplified way. Using the app and the web portal provides a central overview and control of all charging processes.

How does autoSense support the electrification of vehicle fleets and sustainable driving behavior?

autoSense provides a well-founded basis for decision-making on vehicle replacement or the use of e-vehicles. Journeys can be optimised and fuel consumption and CO2 emissions can be reduced transparently. Thanks to the new FleetCharge fleet solution for electric vehicles, end-to-end charging management for fleet managers and drivers is also massively simplified.

How does autoSense make it easier to separate commuting, private and business trips?

With the autoSense logbook, trips to work, private and business trips can be easily separated and tax-approved logbooks can be created automatically. This makes it easier to break down the kilometers by cost centers, projects, departments and employees.

How does autoSense contribute to increasing efficiency and safety in the vehicle fleet?

autoSense makes it possible to maximize vehicle utilization and ensure fleet safety. Fleet managers can monitor maintenance work and the current fleet status, and use the Poolcar module to easily book and assign shared vehicles.

What solutions does autoSense offer for fleet management?

With products such as FleetBASIC, FleetPRO, FleetAPI and FleetCharge, autoSense offers modular solutions for digital fleet management, which are designed to optimize costs and time and to individually and seamlessly integrate fleet management.

How does autoSense adapt to different fleet sizes and types of use?

autoSense offers modular fleet management solutions that are digital, secure and compliant with data protection regulations. These solutions can be easily and quickly adapted to any fleet size and use type to automate time-consuming processes and reduce operating costs.

How does the autoSense app make it easier to pay parking fees?

The autoSense app integrates EasyPark services so that you can easily and directly control parking fees via the app. This service automatically stops parking processes when you drive away, meaning that you never pay too much for parking again.

How does digital and cashless payment work when charging and refueling via the autoSense app?

Users can pay for their charging and refueling processes directly via the app, which simplifies the process and eliminates the need for physical means of payment.

Does the autoSense app offer a way to calculate the vehicle value?

Yes, the app offers a function that allows users to determine the current value of their vehicle, which can be helpful when selling or changing vehicles.

How does the Leasing Watcher in the autoSense app help you keep an eye on mileage?

With the Leasing Watcher, users can continuously monitor their vehicle mileage to ensure that they remain within the limits set out in the leasing contract.

How does the CO2 compensation function of the autoSense app contribute to sustainable mobility?

The CO2 compensation function enables users to monitor their CO2 footprint and offset it through targeted measures to promote environmentally conscious driving.

How do I update the autoSense app?

Updates to the app are carried out regularly and are available in the App Store or Google Play Store. We recommend that you turn on automatic updates on your device to always take advantage of the latest features and improvements.

Can I also use the autoSense app for vehicle diagnostics?

Yes, the app provides you with diagnostic information that can help you understand the condition of your vehicle and identify potential problems early on.

How do I get notifications from the autoSense app?

You can set notifications directly in the app. With the “More” icon at the bottom right, you can set the notifications as you like. Make sure that you have to allow notifications for the app on your phone.

What functions does the autoSense app offer?

With the autoSense app, you can monitor your vehicle in real time, keep a digital logbook, track your vehicle's location, receive maintenance reminders and analyze your fuel consumption. You'll also receive notifications about important events involving your vehicle.

Can I use the autoSense app on multiple devices?

Yes, you can sign in to your account on various devices and use the app.

How do I get support if I have problems with the autoSense app?

Our customer service is at your disposal. Contact us via “Contact Support” in the app or on our website. You are also welcome to send an email to write.

How does the autoSense app secure my data?

Data protection is a matter of trust and your trust in us is our greatest asset. Responsible and legally compliant handling of personal data in particular is very important to us. Data is always stored securely. For more information, see our privacy policy.

Is the autoSense app compatible with all types of vehicles?

The freemium version of the autoSense app can be used regardless of the vehicle type. For extended functionality with the autoSense adapter, it is designed for a wide range of vehicle models. You can check the compatibility of your vehicle via our compatibility check on test.

What can I do with the autoSense app?

The autoSense app allows you to remotely monitor and manage your vehicle. You can view vehicle data, document your trips and find out about the condition of your vehicle.

What myths are there about charging e-vehicles?

There are some common myths about charging electric vehicles that are worth debunking. A myth is that leaving your electric vehicle plugged in overnight will overcharge the battery. In reality, modern e-vehicles are equipped with intelligent charging systems that prevent overcharging. Another myth is that regular fast charging damages the battery. Fast charging may have a slight effect on the state of the battery over time, but modern e-vehicles are designed in such a way that they can handle fast charging without significant negative effects. It's important to distinguish fact from fiction when charging your electric vehicle.

What is a fair price for charging my electric vehicle?

The appropriate price for charging your electric vehicle may vary depending on your location and available charging infrastructure. On average, the cost of charging an electric vehicle is between 0.10 and 0.30 US dollars per kWh. However, it's important to know that prices may vary depending on the charging network, time of day, and additional charges. To find a fair price, you should compare the charging rates of the various networks and stations in your area.

How can I extend the life of my EV battery?

To extend the life of your EV battery, there are a few important rules to follow. First, you should avoid fully charging or discharging the battery regularly. Instead, try keeping the battery charge level between 20% and 80%. Also avoid exposing your electric car to extreme temperatures, both in heat and cold, as this can have a negative impact on battery performance. Regular maintenance on your electric vehicle and software updates can also help optimize battery life. And finally, avoid fast charging whenever possible and opt for slow, controlled charging processes.

How do I plan my EV trip?

To plan your electric car trip, you should consider factors such as the distance you need to travel, the availability of charging stations along your route, and the charging speed of each station. Use online tools or apps that offer e-trip planners to plan your route and find charging stations at appropriate intervals. Take into account the charging time and schedule any necessary stops to ensure a smooth journey.

How do I determine fair prices for charging my e-vehicle?

To determine a fair price for charging your electric vehicle, you should consider a few factors. First, you should check the cost per kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity in your area. You can usually find this information on your electricity provider's website or by contacting them directly. You should also factor in any additional fees or membership costs associated with using a specific charging network or charging station. Finally, you should also consider the convenience and accessibility of the charging station in relation to your charging needs. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about fair prices for charging your electric vehicle.

How long does it take to charge an electric car?

How long it takes to charge an electric vehicle depends on several factors, including the vehicle's battery capacity, charging speed, and current charge level. Charging times can vary between a few hours with a Level 2 charger and around 30 minutes with a fast charger. However, it's important to know that a full charge can take several hours, especially with larger battery packs.

What are the different types of charging plugs?

There are various types of charging plugs that are used for charging electric vehicles. The most common types are:

Type 1 (SAE J1772): This plug is commonly used for AC charging in North America and Japan.

Type 2 (Mennekes): This plug is often used for AC charging in Europe and is compatible with most e-vehicles.

CCS (combined charging system): CCS plugs are primarily used for DC fast charging and are becoming increasingly popular all over the world.

CHAdeMO: This plug is also used for DC fast charging and is often found in older electric vehicle models, especially from Japanese manufacturers.

How do I choose the right charging port for my e-vehicle?

Choosing the right charging plug for your electric vehicle (EV) is essential for safe and efficient charging.
Here are a few steps to help you make the right choice:

  • Check the compatibility of your vehicle: Different e-vehicle models may require different types of charging plugs. Check your vehicle's manual or contact the manufacturer to find out which type of plug is compatible with your electric vehicle.
  • Find out about charging standards: There are various charging standards that are used worldwide, such as CHAdeMO, CCS (Combined Charging System) and Tesla's Supercharger. Find out which standard is common in your region and make sure that the charging plug you choose supports that standard.
  • Take into account the charging speed: There are charging plugs in different power levels, which affect the charging speed. Determine your charging needs based on your daily driving habits. If you frequently take long trips, you might want to invest in a faster charging port.
  • Evaluate plug types: There are various plug types, including Type 1 (J1772), Type 2 (Mennekes), and Type 3 (Same). When choosing the right type of plug for your vehicle, consider factors such as availability, compatibility with charging stations, and ease of use.
  • Remember, it's always a good idea to consult an EV specialist or your vehicle manufacturer to make sure you're making the best choice for your particular EV model.
What does fast charging mean?

Fast charging, also known as DC fast charging, is a charging method in which the battery of an electric vehicle is quickly charged with powerful direct current (DC). It can charge an electric vehicle to a high level in a relatively short period of time, usually within 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the vehicle and charging station.

Helpful documents

This section provides central access to a variety of helpful documents aimed at expanding understanding of complex topics and deepening knowledge. Simply download the materials you want and gain valuable insights to effectively achieve goals.

Fleet brochure
Anonymized data models
Co2 compensation
White Paper

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autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.
autoSense: Vernetzt. Intelligent. Mobil.

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If your question isn't answered here, you can contact us directly.

What myths are there about charging e-vehicles?

There are some common myths about charging electric vehicles that are worth debunking. A myth is that leaving your electric vehicle plugged in overnight will overcharge the battery. In reality, modern e-vehicles are equipped with intelligent charging systems that prevent overcharging. Another myth is that regular fast charging damages the battery. Fast charging may have a slight effect on the state of the battery over time, but modern e-vehicles are designed in such a way that they can handle fast charging without significant negative effects. It's important to distinguish fact from fiction when charging your electric vehicle.

How does autoSense adapt to different fleet sizes and types of use?

autoSense offers modular fleet management solutions that are digital, secure and compliant with data protection regulations. These solutions can be easily and quickly adapted to any fleet size and use type to automate time-consuming processes and reduce operating costs.

What solutions does autoSense offer for fleet management?

With products such as FleetBASIC, FleetPRO, FleetAPI and FleetCharge, autoSense offers modular solutions for digital fleet management, which are designed to optimize costs and time and to individually and seamlessly integrate fleet management.

How does autoSense contribute to increasing efficiency and safety in the vehicle fleet?

autoSense makes it possible to maximize vehicle utilization and ensure fleet safety. Fleet managers can monitor maintenance work and the current fleet status, and use the Poolcar module to easily book and assign shared vehicles.

How does autoSense make it easier to separate commuting, private and business trips?

With the autoSense logbook, trips to work, private and business trips can be easily separated and tax-approved logbooks can be created automatically. This makes it easier to break down the kilometers by cost centers, projects, departments and employees.

How does autoSense support the electrification of vehicle fleets and sustainable driving behavior?

autoSense provides a well-founded basis for decision-making on vehicle replacement or the use of e-vehicles. Journeys can be optimised and fuel consumption and CO2 emissions can be reduced transparently. Thanks to the new FleetCharge fleet solution for electric vehicles, end-to-end charging management for fleet managers and drivers is also massively simplified.

Private customers

If your question isn't answered here, visit our Support Center or contact us directly.

What can I do with the autoSense app?

The autoSense app allows you to remotely monitor and manage your vehicle. You can view vehicle data, document your trips and find out about the condition of your vehicle.

Is the autoSense app compatible with all types of vehicles?

The freemium version of the autoSense app can be used regardless of the vehicle type. For extended functionality with the autoSense adapter, it is designed for a wide range of vehicle models. You can check the compatibility of your vehicle via our compatibility check on test.

How does the autoSense app secure my data?

Data protection is a matter of trust and your trust in us is our greatest asset. Responsible and legally compliant handling of personal data in particular is very important to us. Data is always stored securely. For more information, see our privacy policy.

How do I get support if I have problems with the autoSense app?

Our customer service is at your disposal. Contact us via “Contact Support” in the app or on our website. You are also welcome to send an email to write.

Can I use the autoSense app on multiple devices?

Yes, you can sign in to your account on various devices and use the app.

What functions does the autoSense app offer?

With the autoSense app, you can monitor your vehicle in real time, keep a digital logbook, track your vehicle's location, receive maintenance reminders and analyze your fuel consumption. You'll also receive notifications about important events involving your vehicle.