
driveScore Challenge 2.0: and the winner is...

Nicolas Noth
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Who won the driveScore Challenge 2.0? 🏆🎉

On June 17, 2024, it was that time again! A month full of thrills and challenges lay ahead of us, as the roads were once again calling for the canton's big challenge.

It was up and down. And then, what a finale! Which canton must have snatched the crown? Who won the driveScore Challenge with horsepower and precision?

It is the Canton of Basel-Stadt! A huge high five to the drivers.

With a great overall score of 80.3/100, they have banished the competition to the rear view mirror and secured 1st place.

The winners will be contacted directly by us.

And what about the others? The cantons of Solothurn (74.0) and Glarus (73.6) also scored well and finished on the podium. Congratulations — you did a fantastic job too!

Thanks to everyone for taking part and the warmest wishes to the winners

By the way: The Canton of Schaffhausen is in last place and with a driveScore of 53.8. There is a lot of potential for a rematch in the next driveScore challenge!

Because: after the challenge is before the challenge!


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