
How to get your car ready for fall — tips and checklist for autumn

Jessica Wick
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Autumn is here and not only brings colorful leaves, but also changeable weather conditions. For car drivers, this means time to prepare the vehicle for the coming season! Whether it's slippery roads, leaves or fog — autumn places special demands on your car. Here are the most important steps to get your car ready for fall and get through the cooler season safely.

1. Check lighting

It gets dark earlier in autumn, and rain or fog can further impair visibility. Make sure that all lights on your car are working properly: headlights, taillights, turn signals, and fog lights. It is important to check the lighting regularly in order to always be clearly visible and to be able to see enough yourself.

Tip: If you notice that a light is dimmer or fails completely, have it repaired as soon as possible or replace the light bulb.

2. Check the windshield wipers

Rain and fog are not uncommon in autumn. A clear view of the road is essential, so your windshield wipers should be in top shape. If the wipers make noises or leave streaks, it's time to change the wiper blades.

Tip: Refill windshield wiper water with frost protection — this protects against the first cold snap.

3. Change tires — plan early

Autumn is also the time for winter tires. As soon as temperatures drop permanently below 7°C, winter tires offer better grip on wet or icy roads. It is advisable to plan the change early, as workshops fill out quickly in autumn.

Tip: When changing, also pay attention to the profile of your tires. The legal minimum tread depth is 1.6 mm, but for greater safety, winter tires should have at least 4 mm tread.

4. Check the battery

Colder temperatures affect the car battery, especially when it is older. In autumn, you should make sure that your battery still has enough power to survive the winter. A battery test in the workshop can give you peace of mind.

Tip: If your battery is already weak, now is the time to replace it. In the worst case scenario, an unexpected outage in winter could leave you stranded in the cold.

5. Frost protection for radiator and windshield washer

In autumn, it is important that your car is well protected against the coming cold spells. Check the frost protection level in the radiator and windshield washer. Both fluids should be adequately protected against low temperatures to prevent frost damage.

6. Protect paint and seals

Wet weather and leaves can damage your paint and car seals. Clean your car regularly to protect the paint and make sure that door and window seals are well-maintained and not brittle. A protective agent for rubber seals prevents them from freezing in winter.

Tip: A wax seal protects the paint from moisture and dirt.

7. Interior and ventilation

Moisture and wetness in the car can quickly become unpleasant. Make sure that the ventilation is working properly to prevent fogging up windows. You can also use moisture protection, such as an indoor dehumidifier, to prevent mold formation.

Stay safe and get your car ready for fall!


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