
Media release: autoSense & Gireve partnership

Nicolas Noth
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autoSense and Gireve partnership

autoSense is advancing its mission to provide innovative, environmentally friendly mobility solutions through a partnership with Gireve. It has linked its comprehensive mobility platform to Gireve's roaming network, improving service offerings and providing wider access to electric vehicle (EV) charging systems across Europe.

As a provider of advanced fleet management solutions, autoSense enables companies to monitor and optimize their vehicle fleets, reduce operating costs and minimize their environmental impact. The end-to-end platform supports centralized management, seamless billing, and efficient operation of charging processes for electric vehicles.

Vision autoSense

“We are very excited about our partnership with Gireve. This is an important step for us and will help us achieve our vision of efficient and seamless sustainable driving,” says Jaap Vossen, CEO of autoSense. “We will expand our leading position in combining telematics and charging processes for fleets to make it easier to electrify our customers' fleets. ”

autoSense now covers over 500,000 charging points across Europe and offers companies an efficient integration of electric vehicles into their fleets, a clear solution for charging at home, and the correct calculation and compensation for these charging processes.

Charged for change: Let's shape the future of mobility together!


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